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Brand Messaging: More Than Words

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Adam Davies

More and more small businesses are getting on the brand train. Finding a way to stand out and connect with your target audience is more crucial than ever. In this post, we’ll delve into the significance of brand messaging and what goes into creating a platform that resonates with your audience.

What Is Brand Messaging?

Brand messaging is the “what, why and how” of talking to your audience, shaping perceptions, and building connections through consistent and meaningful communication. It goes beyond the “nuts and bolts” of product features or a list of services to articulate your unique value and experience you provide in a way that resonates with your audience. We might also refer brand messaging as a “messaging architecture,” which typically includes your brand voice, key messages, your positioning statement and your brand promise, which sometimes takes the form of a tagline. Ultimately, your platform of brand messaging seeks to inspire your ideal clients and answers the question, “Why should I choose you over someone else?”

4 Key Reasons Brand Messaging Matters


Brand messaging ensures that your communications are consistent across all touchpoints, from your website and social media to your advertising and customer interactions. Consistency builds trust and reinforces your brand’s image. Developing a consistent “brand voice” helps your content maintain a tone and style consistent with your brand attributes.


A well-defined brand message makes it clear to your audience what you offer and why they should care. In a cluttered marketplace, clarity is invaluable. Crafting clear, succinct, well-written content makes your communication more effective and it sets the table for a better content approach on your website and in marketing materials.


Brand messaging sets you apart from competitors by highlighting what makes your brand unique. It communicates your value proposition, allowing customers to understand why your products or services are the right choice and why the experience you offer makes you their ideal choice.


Effective messaging creates an emotional connection with your audience. It’s not just about what you sell but why you sell it and how it benefits your customers. A thoughtful brand strategy will explore the characteristics, needs and motivators of your ideal clients. This helps us craft messaging that addresses their pain points and positions you as the ideal solution.

Tips For Effective Brand Messaging

Understand Your Audience

Start by understanding your target audience. Who are they? What are their pain points, needs and goals? What do they want from you and what will influence their decision? Your brand message should resonate with them on a personal level.

Define Your Brand’s Core Values

What are the values that drive your business? What principles guide your decisions? Your brand’s core values are a foundational element of your messaging.

Identify Your Unique Differentiators

What sets you apart from the competition? It could be your innovative approach, exceptional quality, or outstanding customer service. Once you understand who you are competing against, you can craft messaging that highlights your unique value and separates you from others.

Tell a Story

People love stories. Explore the story of your brand—its origins, challenges, and achievements. This can create an emotional connection and make your brand more relatable

Use Emotional Triggers

Incorporate emotional triggers in your messaging. Whether it’s humor, nostalgia, or a sense of belonging, tapping into emotions can make your brand more memorable.

Avoid Jargon

Speak the language of your audience. Unless it’s appropriate for your specific market, avoid industry jargon or overly technical terms that might alienate potential customers. Think of it as a conversation between two people–not a person and a brochure.

Highlight Benefits, Not Features

Focus on the benefits your products or services provide. How do they address your client’s need or make their life better? Avoid getting bogged down in a laundry list of features. And always stay client-focused…not “me” focused. If you see a lot of “we” sentences in your content, you’re probably talking too much about yourself and not enough about solutions.

Speak TO the Client, Not About Them

Effective brand messaging uses words like “you” and “your,” rather than “our clients.” When you treat your content like a conversation, you personalize the experience and increase reader engagement.

Be Authentic

Authenticity is key to building and maintaining trust. Your brand message should reflect your brand’s true identity and not come off as forced or insincere. Otherwise, you can create a disconcerting disconnect between the experience someone has reading your website and what they hear when they speak to your employees.

Consistency is Key

Ensure that your brand message is consistent across all platforms and marketing materials. A unified message reinforces your brand’s image and builds trust. Maintain a consistent brand voice throughout your website and blog, marketing materials and social media. And reinforce these powerful messages by making sure your employees are familiar with them and use them in their own communications.

Your brand messaging is a powerful tool for connecting with your audience, building trust, and setting your business apart from the competition. Davies Branding + Design can craft a platform of brand messaging that aligns with your values, resonates with your audience, and sets you on the path to success in a crowded marketplace. Reach out for a conversation today!

Your brand messaging is a powerful tool for connecting with your audience, building trust, and setting your business apart from the competition. Davies Branding + Design can craft a platform of brand messaging that aligns with your values, resonates with your audience, and sets you on the path to success in a crowded marketplace. Start the conversation today!

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